When I first read this, I didn't know what to think. But as I read through it a second time, so many thoughts came to my mind. I think it is amazing how one certain activity sparks a memorable event from the past. When I pack my bag for school, I think of when my sister and I were younger and how we used to pack a bag to go "hiking" in our field. As quoted from Kim, "Memory is the force behind making art-the drive not to forget." This is an excellent quote because each and every one of us holds pictures in our minds from the past and we can go to these memories anytime we feel we need to.
I selected this image from Gabriel Orozco because I look at it as the table represents us as humans and the sand is all of our memories that we love to look back to. If you thought of each and every grain of sand on that table to be a memory, we would have billions of memories to look back to. Whether or not it is something major or the smile you received from someone for just simply saying hello.
I like how you described each grain of sand. It even comes down to the simplest things like you said, even someone looking at you and smiling saying hello. When looking at that picture I would imagine bigger memroies and people are always thinking bigger, but I like how you brought it back to the smaller things too, like a smile.