Friday, September 3, 2010

Amanda Knudsen's Reaction Paper

Each and every person has had that experience of being around a certain atmosphere that could trigger a memory. Whether it’s a good memory or not we have to face the fact that this memory has indeed taken place. Channeling these memories or atmospheres in artwork helps the artist cope if it’s a bad memory, and find peace internally if it’s a good one. I believe that there is not one piece of artwork that everybody in the world can agree that is the most beautiful or intriguing. It all depends on where people are coming from in order to relate or to find it beautiful. That is what makes people so unique in their own special ways. I have always been open to learning about different cultures and finding out what memories of other cultures trigger their sense of what they consider beautiful and intriguing. It’s hard to define what is considered beautiful because it is different all over the world. I’ve learned that all of our opinions come from how we were brought up and from our cultural backgrounds. It’s really great to understand the story behind a picture, but it is interesting how people can make their own assumptions or their own stories by what they observed by a single photograph.

My favorite photograph is ‘The Lamp Series’ by John Baldessari. It brings me back to my days as a child somehow. When I saw this picture I could just envision the old creaky house I lived in as a child. It’s shaped like a puzzle piece so I could just place in the blank spots the old worn down couch and the T.V. that had only two channels on the other side.


  1. This photo intrigued me as well, only because it is incomplete. It's very cool, because you envisioned your house when you were little, and someone else can envision the same thing, while it is completely different. This picture I think can make everyone think and make them visualize a couch and a chair, and get their memory going. I love how I can look at a picture, and just let my mind go back to that specific moment. I can smell the same smell, feel the same feeling I had, and know that though all things come to an end, you can always have your moments to be remembered.

  2. you have a very good way with words! very persuading.. I also agree that there is no bad art.. to me it is beautiful to someone, because it may express a certain time or moment in someones life that triggered the creation of that art, I would not want to take that away from anyone! This picture reminds me of a puzzle piece, once you get enough of them put together you can visually see the rest of the picture in your head, but you can fill in the details, maybe the color of the chair or the couch or whatever else is suppose to be in the picture!

  3. I completely agree with everything you mentioned. This reminds me of different times when I've gone through art galleries. It seems each time I find myself stopping and staring at pieces of artwork that seem like a child could have thrown together. Like you said, to me this art may be hideous, but a person with a different view, style, and life experience may find beauty or comfort in the piece.


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