Tuesday, September 7, 2010

reaction paper 2

Reaction Paper 2
Emmet Gowin
I like how he put into his writing that these pictures are not a result of any assignment or project but that he did these pictures out of love for his family. He did his photographs of his family with love to show who they were and what they meant to him. He showed how each was part of his daily life not trying to make them more than what they were. He showed that he had photographers that had influenced him but that he still made his own pictures in his own way letting his eye carry him. Each person sees things differently and that means that what you see through the viewfinder someone else can see something completely different. Everyone sees things differently and we can make beautiful pictures out of anything even if our equipment isn’t perfect. We all have a vision and set of ideals in what we expect out of our photos. I think that what he is trying to say is just be yourself and snap what you see and others will admire what you have done. Always be willing to change the vision that you had to begin with.


  1. I agree, he took all those photos to show who his family really was on a daily basis. You could tell he truly loved them for who they were.

  2. I also agree, that the pictures he took of his family were just them being a family. You can tell that he was crazy about them!

  3. I agree that everyone views things differently. The artist might have an idea of what he wants to portray in his photo, but the viewer might see something completely different.

  4. I like how you said "Always be willing to change what you had to begin with". An open mind is very usefull and an intregal part of art. There can always be way to improve your work.

  5. Isn't that the beauty with art, it can be interpreted in so many different ways! I agree that he was a family man and that was captured in nearly everyone of his photographs.


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