Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Miracle Reaction

Every day we wake up to find out what the world has in store for us. Never knowing what could possibly happen throughout the day we continue on with living our life. While reading Miracle by Kim Zorn Caputo, it make me realize that all of those days that we have woken up, memories have came from them even though we maybe did not intend to have memories made. When I read "Memory is the force behind making art- the drive not to forget," it gave me goose bumps because it is the truth behind what I think is art. Behind every piece of art is the emotions of the artist. There must have been multiple events, people, or feelings that lead up to help create any art work. Our memories help us remember good times along with bad times that have made us who we are today.
I had two pictures that really stuck out to me. The first was titled "Boy and Mask." This picture made me think of how when we are little children we usually wanted to explore anything and everything even if it would hurt us. To me, the mask resembles evil, such as the devil, but yet the baby is standing there in wonder of what the mask is doing there and possibly why. The second picture that interested me was titled "Anima 5." This picture is very different. I love butterflies because to me they symbolize life and life has so much meaning. It is beautiful how it is black and white although butterflies can be very colorful which makes them unique and beautiful but being black and white it gives me the wonder of all the colors it could be.
boy and mask

anima 5


  1. I was trying to igure out what to say about the said it quite well. Thank you.

  2. Your description of the boy and the mask was very thought provoking. When I first saw that picture I thought it was creepy, and I quickly scrolled on to the next one. It is very true that as a kid we look for things, maybe we shouldn't.

  3. I did not like the "boy and the mask", either, when I first read the article. But after reading your description it doesn't seem so creepy. You can tell that the mask is an iannimate object and the boy may be innocence.


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