Friday, September 10, 2010

Reaction to Emmet Gowan

Reaction Paper #2

Emmet Gowan really portrayed his family well in this short story. Through his words and pictures he proves his love and dedication not only to his wife and children, but to his extended family as well.

The pictures that Emmet captured were very well laid out. I really enjoyed his use of the circle lens and how he was able to almost recreate an actual image from the human eye. The porch screen shot was probably my favorite image from the story because it shows the little things that are always there to protect us but we may not always see them.

Emmet’s view of his pictures as everyday life bothered me a little bit. The pictures he took were amazing, but I don’t look at them as everyday life. Some of the pictures looked as if they were staged for him to capture the perfect image in his mind. I believe the best pictures are the ones captured without any knowledge of even a camera being in the vicinity. True real life can never be captured on film or otherwise if the subject matter of the picture knows they are in the shot.


  1. You mentioned the circle lens affect that Edwin got from how he used 2 different lens, I never thought of it as a view from a human eye, but you are right. It can really change the image. I like how it creates drama as well. The photo of a woman infront of a bed makes it look as if the photo was taken from a hole in the wall, or even the key hole of the door. The subject appears to not even know the photo was being taken.

  2. I also agree, that it was an interesting interpretation,the circle lens as an eye! there was also no doubt in my mind that he loved every last person in his family..I never would have thought of the screen door as something that we can't see that was protecting us, when indeed it protects us from many things besides air that might filter through the screen.

  3. I like what you said about the screen and how we take these everyday things for granted. Sometimes we just don't think about things that we see everyday!


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