Friday, September 3, 2010

Butterflies and Memories!

Without memory, where would this world be? We would have no idea of what life has been like. We may not remember everything that has happened or gone on in the past, but we do have art and photography to remind us of things that have happened. Memories are some times things that we wished that we did not remember, you know those bad memories of things that we wished had never happened to us. Those memories that we may not be proud of, but still they did happen and they may just be a mere memory. Then we have those memories that we will cherish forever and ever. Those may have been the best days of our lives.

Personally, I do have some of those bad memories that I have chosen to put in the back of my mind and keep there. But I do have very many good memories and alot of them are in photographs. There are so many memories that I never want to forget, I hope that I can have the photographs around forever to help me remember them! Those times that I hope never to forget may just be the simple smile that all of my children give me. How my 2 year old shows me her teeth with her mouth open wide and her eyes scrunched shut so tight that she can not see out of them! How beautiful my 4 year old is with her clip on earrings and her princess dress, or how she smiles at me and tells me I am beautiful! More memories I have photographed are of my son and husband in a Bobcat plowing our driveway.....the smile on my sons face is priceless. These are some of the memories that I want to never ever forget! As Kim Zorn Caputo states, memory is the force behind making art-the drive not to forget.

The photograph that really caught my eye was by Peter Campus. The photograph is of a butterfly. It reminded me of memory or the stages of life. A butterfly starts as a caterpillar, then turns to a cacoon and then a butterfly. It reminds me of how life is a miracle and a memory that I never want to forget!


  1. Isn't it funny how the smallest thing can release those bad memories that you have tried to put in the back of your mind a repress? How no matter how hard you try to get rid of them, something will ALWAYS remind you of that.. I also agree with you that memory and life, no matter how bad or good, is something that I would never want to forget.

  2. Photos are a must when it comes to children. My girl is 13 and when I look back at her little girls photos, I get emotional every time. I remember her little golden curls and how they changed to dark hair.

  3. My girls thought I was ridiculous always with a camera. They would get disgusted and ask me to go away. Now they search for their favorites and cherish the memories with me. They had freinds who had no childhood photos for the yearbook or slide shows. I feel so very bad for them. I thinks photos reflect the value parents have for their children linking them to their past.

  4. I can definately relate to you. What are good memories without the bad? or even better yet the bad ones make us appreciate the good ones.


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