Thursday, October 14, 2010

reaction paper #3

Reaction paper # 3
Photography is a way for photographers to capture breaking news, a special moment, or sell a product. I believe that any photo manipulating should be aloud in a photography contest because everything that is done to edit the picture, creates a new photograph expressing and showing some message intended by the photographer, as a artist would paint a picture using pink, by mixing red and white together on the color wheel. If photography should be left untouched, why do they have the different mega pixels cameras, different models, and the more expensive the camera, the better the quality of the picture. Also why would sites like picnik be created or photography editing programs like Photoshop be created to manipulate and change pictures if they shouldn’t be aloud? It should be an incentive for artists and photographers to want to make their pictures look the best at any cost. How can you create an image in Photoshop that is not a photograph if you had to composite several other photographs to create it? Photoshop can be thought of like the steps a photographer would take to create an image, setting up the shot, adjusting the brightness and contrast is similar to setting up and changing the layers, manipulating the color and saturation and hue, in Photoshop. Photographers edit and manipulate picture depending on what the viewers want to see, or what the photographer is trying to express, or sell! Also what is the difference between a photographer manipulating a picture in Photoshop for a contest, or when the media portrays flawless, one hundred pound models as what is beautiful.

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