Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Reaction Paper 4

Ansel Adams work was beautiful. It gave you a sense of being right next to the object that he was photographing. His work was of large geometric shapes found in the chaos of the world itself and he was able to pull those shapes out of his work. It was very abstract in itself just because of the shapes found in the landscape, putting them in black and white I think make them seem so much bigger. These make you think what would they look like if in color? Bayles on the other hand had beautiful pictures of the unique found in nature. Things that are found out of place where you see them, but yet fit in. It was wonderful work how he could find the beauty in things that you wouldn’t naturally assume as landscape, but yet they are part of the landscape. A tree in the middle of a parking ramp, a gnarly tree next to a gas sign, or the palm trees mixed in with the lifts, I loved how he found these all part of the landscape. I liked both of these artists because they are so very different in their approach to what landscape is to them.

1 comment:

  1. I also like how Ansel used the natural geometric shapes for his images. They were very pleasing to the eye. I liked how you used the word "unique" when talking about Bayles' images. That is exactly what they were.


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