The artist that I have chose to write a reaction about is Kevin Michael Snyder. When looking at his work I was just in awe the whole entire time, everything that he has captured just simply moved me. I was reading his greetings on his website and a he stated that “Nature and being in nature makes me feel alive. For me, Capturing these moments is a blessing and the ability to do these tasks a gift.” How true is this? He just perfectly stated exactly how I feel. I love being outside and it is just so relaxing and refreshing. And also being able to experience the wonders and the beauty of nature each and everyday that you are alive is so amazing! It’s sad that some people don’t realize how beautiful nature is and experience it and they take it for granted. There is a pattern in his work and that is he loves capturing waterfalls or moving water, he has many rivers as well as many flowers on a macro setting. But these are so alive and vivid with details and coloring. It is almost like they are all paintings the water is so three dimensional and comes out of the pictures at you and also looks so real. One of my favorite pictures is his panoramic one of Itasca, the beautiful fall colors and the reflection off the water gives the picture such a warm feeling, but also there is still a layer of grass at the bottom. My other favorite is the sunrise. How can that picture not move and inspire you? The colors are absolutely amazing. I would love to wake up to that everyday! Kevin is very good at capturing detail and all of his pictures are really sharp and bright and definitely eye catching. It is his goal through his work to share and spread the beauty that is around us and rise awareness, and I think that he is very successful at doing this through his work.
It shows that water is one of his favorit's to capture and he is truly gifted at capturing the flow as well. It's great to be great at the things you love to do, (capture).