For this project I choose the photographer Tony Howell. I choose Tony Howell as an artist because I felt like his pictures that he took caught my eye and related to what I was trying to do with my pictures the most out of all the photographers that I was looking at. I really enjoyed the softness his pictures brought and the variety that were in all of them. I tried to connect the pictures I took for my own project to how I felt about the place I was photographing so I wanted to make them have a down to earth and home feeling. All the pictures I took were from my house and when taking those pictures I wanted it to give off the feeling as warm and welcoming. I also made sure I added into my pictures things that meant something to me or had something little that had a big meaning. I choose Tony Howell as a photographer because his pictures were exactly that. They showed the soft side of everything he was photographing and also showed that there was thought and work put into each photograph. One of my favorite pictures and one that I choose to add was the river, it does look like it is flowing quickly. But he was able to make it look soft like a blanket, as well as the mossy rocks around it looking similar. Even the colors in his pictures are not jumping out at you, they keep it soft as well. This makes everything fit together and the photograph really makes sense and the viewer feels calm and peaceful while viewing it. I really enjoyed looking at different photographers it showed all the different kind of landscape options there really was and what it takes to make a photograph look how you want it to. I was not sure and a bit stumped when I started this project, but looking at all the different artists really opened it up and showed a new level to photography. I feel like Tony Howell really states his place as a photographer, he does not just take pictures of nature he creates them. Something as ordinary as the tree picture I choose, he made it into something most people would not have seen just walking by. He made it look mystical and soft. Even the clouds and the shadow are well seen in this photograph and he connected it to his theme throughout all of his photographs. That is why I choose him as my artist for this project, he not only conveyed what I was trying to show through my photographs, he inspired me and showed me new ways to look at things and gave me many new ideas on how to do things with a photograph and just any ordinary landscape.
I love the picture of the river. You are right when you say it all comes together and makes you feel calm and peaceful. There is a real nice balance to the the surroundings in the photograph and the colors give it a softness.